Kampen för aborträtten – strategier i en utmanande kontext

OBS! Samtalet sker på engelska.
Aborträtten hotas från ett flertal olika håll. Vilka är de främsta strategierna och tillvägagångssätten för att stå upp för aborträtten i utmanande kontexter? Hur går det att arbeta för abortfrågan i konservativa miljöer där kyrkan har stort inflytande? Hur arbetar aktivister med frågan i restriktiva länder som Malta och Irland?
Mina Tolu (Malta)
Catalyst Mcllroy (Irland)
Emelie Weiderud, tidigare ordförande för RFSU Stockholm
Lokal: Brantingrummet, plan 1
The right to safe and legal abortion is under threat. What are the main strategies when it comes to standing up for abortion rights in challenging contexts? What is it like to be pro-choice in conservative environments largely influenced by the church? What approaches does activists who fight for abortion rights in restrictive countries such as Malta and Ireland choose?
Mina Tolu (Malta) has been engaging critically and consciously with gender, sexuality, body and related rights on a personal, political, and professional level for almost a decade. Their work has evolved from the local level with a focus on LGBTQI youth, to a European level with campaigns for trans rights, and most recently, as one of the first openly pro-choice politicians in Malta. Currently, Mina is researching tools that can be used by NGOs for the analysis of conflict, as part of their Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. They are also the co-spokesperson of the Federation of Young European Greens and a board member of the Green Party in Malta.
Cat McIlroy is a trans activist and educator, actively engaged in LGBTQ activism in Ireland and Europe for many years. Previously Co-Chair of Transgender Europe (TGEU) and Co-ordinator of Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI),they are also a former Chairperson and one of the founding members of Trans Fest Stockholm, a community collective that strives to create positive, inclusive and empowering celebrations of gender diversity. Cat has a MSc in Equality Studies from University College Dublin and has been a long-time supporter/fundraiser for the Repeal the 8th Campaign for sexual and reproductive rights in Ireland.
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