Nyhet! Web Development Step 1: HTML and CSS (Online)
Create your own web page! The course is in english

This course focuses on using HTML to build a webpage’s structure and CSS to add design and colour. It’s an excellent starting point for beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of web development.
This course is in English!
Course level
No prior experience within web development is required, except from basic computer knowledge.
Online Course
The course is conducted online at a set time through video meetings. You will need an email address and a computer connected to the internet to participate. The computer should have a camera and microphone, or you can connect a headset (headphones with a microphone) to the computer. Before the course starts, you will receive a link and information on how to join, which will be sent to your email address.
Course leader
Zoe Lindqvist has a background in both teaching and software development. She is currently studying Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. Zoe has experience working with full-stack web development technologies such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, React and Node.js. She is passionate about creating user-friendly solutions and inspiring others to grow within technology. Her previous experience as a school teacher has equipped her with the ability to adapt her teaching style to meet the needs of her students.
Good to know
- To register online, you need to provide an email address. If you don’t have one, you can register by phone at 08-453 41 00.
You will receive a confirmation approximately ten days before the course starts. - Confirmation/invoices will be sent to your email address. Check your spam folder if you don’t see it. If you prefer it by post, write this in the comments section when registering.
- Additional costs for study or work materials may apply.
- Pensioners, full-time unemployed, and long-term full-time sick leave participants receive a 10% discount on courses. To use this discount, you must select ”invoice” as the payment method and write the reason for the discount in the comments section.
- Note: Even if the course start date has passed, there may still be available spots. If you register late, you will be placed on a waiting list and notified if a spot becomes available. You will then join at the next session and pay the full course price.
Learn more about taking a course with ABF Stockholm and its terms and conditions, including the right of withdrawal, at ABF Stockholm’s website: https://abfstockholm.se/kurser/om/
Bra att veta
- För att kunna anmäla dig här på hemsidan måste du ange en mejladress. Har du inte det är du välkommen att anmäla dig via telefon 08-453 41 00.
- Kallelsen får du ungefär tio dagar innan kursstart.
- Kallelse/fakturor skickas till din mejladress. Titta i din skräppost om du inte ser den. Vill du ha den med post skriv det i kommentarsfältet vid anmälan.
- Eventuell kostnad för studie- eller arbetsmaterial kan tillkomma.
- Pensionärer, arbetslösa på heltid och långtidssjukskrivna på heltid har 10 procent rabatt på kurser. För att nyttja en rabatt kan du enbart använda betalsätt faktura. Skriv anledning till rabatt i kommentarsfältet.
- OBS! Även om kursen har passerat startdatum så kan det finnas platser kvar och möjlighet att anmäla sig till kursen. Du får vid sen anmälan besked att du står på reservplats för att startdatum har passerat och får vänta in en bekräftelse från oss om du sedan får en bekräftad plats på kursen. Du börjar då nästkommande tillfälle och betalar fullt kurspris.
Läs mer om hur det fungerar att gå en kurs hos ABF Stockholm, samt om villkor och ångerrätt hos oss https://abfstockholm.se/kurser/om/.